The Ultimate IRS Communicator

“I hate to write letters!”           The Ultimate IRS Communicator includes over 150 hard hitting pattern letter essential when you are taking care of business. With a working knowledge of IRS procedures and these letters, you can lend the most valuable assistance to clients of every stripe. Copy and adapt them on your letterhead and you…



The Ultimate IRS Communicator includes over 150 hard hitting letters helpful to you when you are taking care of business. With a working knowledge of IRS procedures and these letters, you are able to lend the most valuable assistance to clients of every stripe.

Jean and Bryan Gates, EAs have compiled great, hard hitting pattern letters to the IRS which carefully express the merits of your client’s position through all aspects of IRS dealing. Jean & Bryan save you hours of drudgery with their snappy pattern letters to the IRS and to clients concerning every dealing a client might have with the Service. They provide you with the effortless communication capability to deal with the IRS including letters to clients and letters to various offices of the IRS: Customer Account Services, Collection, ACS, Exam, Appeals, Revenue Officers and Revenue Agents and their supervisors. Jean & Bryan have done the writing work for you. This is a completely necessary practice tool!
The letters are divided into eight categories or file folders:

Folder 1 – Introductory Material
Folder 2 – Letters to Clients
Folder 3 – Letters to IRS Examination Officials
Folder 4 – Letters to IRS Collection Officials
Folder 5 – Letters to IRS Appeals Officials
Folder 6 – Letters concerning IRS Penalties
Folder 7 – Letters concerning IRS Administrative Matters
Folder 8 – Letters to Clients concerning Tax Law

Transmitting your power of attorney to the IRS or withdrawing your power of attorney are both covered. Requesting a friendly summons when you need one is there and letters to slow the IRS down are there.

Your clients need you and the Client letters are going to help you meet those needs. Many letters to the IRS are included to help you respond to accuracy inquiries that seem to never end. You will find a really great Business Solicitation letter and three pattern letters to help you with the increased client notification requirements in Circular 230. You will use the engagement letters and transmittal letters in this folder over and over again. One of our favorites is the Explanation of Professional Fees.

Dealing with the IRS examination function will be a snap when you adapt the pattern letters in the Letters to IRS Examination Officials folder. These pattern letters proceed from service center Math Error Unit and Automatic Adjustment Unit responses all the way to requests for Appeals consideration and settlement proposal transmittals with statute extension request denials and examiner conflict of interest notice in between.

Post filing payment arrangement opportunities will be quicker and easier with the pattern letters in the Letters to IRS Collection Officials folder. These letters run the entire spectrum: short extension of time to pay, installment payment proposals of every stripe, offer in compromise transmittal, non-filer correspondence, collection due process hearing requests, and managerial review requests when things go askew.
Avoiding and recovering penalties is straight forward. You do not need a lot of letters, but you do need the pattern letters in the Letters concerning IRS Penalties folder. They do the job.

So, here you have over 150 professional letters critical to your practice. Get to know these letters. Copy and paste all or part of the text of the letter you have selected into your word processing files. Adapt the letters to your client’s facts and circumstances. Use them time and time again!Desctiption of the product goes here. This is a sample description


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